“and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your
hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7, NKJV)
You know, one of the most beautiful benefits of serving the Lord is that, even in
the midst of difficult times and tough situations, He gives you a peace that passes
all human understanding. An inner calm that is inexplicable.
Think about it. Have you ever gone through a difficult time, and others who knew
your struggle were waiting for you to crumble, to crash and burn, yet God spoke a
word into your spirit that everything would be alright, and from that word you had
peace within? Others were waiting and some maybe even hoping you would cave
in and lose your mind. But God held you and gave you a peace, that even today,
you cannot explain.
This is just another reason God is so wonderful. When things get crazy in life, He
will put a calmness in your spirit that just lets you rest and ride out the waves of
trouble. A peace that cannot be explained or understood. All you know is that in
spite of how things look, you know everything is going to be all right. This is
God’s gift to His saints. He makes that kind of peace available for you today. This