“A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth: From the
produce of his lips he shall be filled.” (Proverbs 18:20, NKJV)
Have you ever thought about it, what you say is producing something? The words
you speak are producing just what you say. If you say your body is tired, tiredness
will be produced in your body. If you say you are sick, sickness will be produced
in our body. If you say you can’t do a thing, the inability to do that thing will be
produced in your life.
It is so important that we speak what we want to produce. Solomon tells us “From
the produce of his lips he shall be filled.” As I shared with you yesterday, be
careful what you say to yourself and about yourself. You are producing what you
say. In other words, what you say is a seed that is sown and you will reap the
harvest thereof.
Let the seeds you sow with your mouth be only positive words of encouragement
and affirmation. Remember, you are “satisfied” from the fruit of our mouth. And
from the produce of your lips you shall be filled. Therefore, when you speak, ask
yourself the question, “WHAT DO I WANT TO PRODUCE?”